A Nicely Vue Component For Cropping Image
Aug 05, 2017
When developing a website.Crop image with specific height and width is an common requirement. Today, I’m gonna show you a vue package for crop image and get base64 datas.
This package Image Croppie is not aim to upload image. It’s only get cropped base64 datas of image, after get the datas of an image we can do whatever with the datas.
Follow the Steps with Readme from github.
``` npm i vue-image-upload-croppie --save ```
`import VueImageUploadCroppi from 'vue-image-upload-croppie'`
Usage Example
<div id="app" style="text-align: center">
<img :src="defaultImage" style="width: 100px;height: 100px">
<VueImageUploadCroppie :defaultImage.sync="defaultImage" :height="100" :width="100" :circle="true" :trans="trans"></VueImageUploadCroppie>
import VueImageUploadCroppie from './components/VueImageUploadCroppie'
export default {
name: 'app',
data() {
return {
'defaultImage': '',
'trans': {
'cropImage': '裁剪图片',
'confirmCutting': '确认裁剪'
watch: {
'defaultImage': function(value) {
if (value) {
// do whatever you want with image value,(upload ..)
components: {
in function watch. after cropped the image the value will auto updated. we can put the value somewhere else. for example, if this component is imported from a form. then set datas to form input. After the form posted to server save cropped image to server disk
Server code example (laravel):
$avatar = $request->get('avatar');
if ($avatar) {
$image = Image::make($avatar);
$mime = $image->mime();
$extension = explode('/', $mime)[1];
$path = "user_avatar/".$userId ;
if (!is_writable(storage_path('public/'.$path))) {
Storage::makeDirectory('public/'.$path, true);
$name = "avatar_picture_user_".substr(time(), 5) . "." . $extension;
$image->save(storage_path('app/public/'.$path. "/" .$name));
$inputs['photo_url'] = $path. "/" .$name;
props: height, width, circle, trans all optional default value of them are
props: {
'height': {
type: Number,
default: 200
'circle': { // crop circle or square image
type: Boolean,
default: false
'width': {
type: Number,
default: 200
'trans': { // button text translation
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {
'cropImage': 'Crop Image',
'chooseImage':'Choose Image',
'confirmCutting': 'Confirm Cutting'
These props can be changed with you needed. Happy cropping!